Vegan Omega 3 Review

Best Vegan Omega 3 Review

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Vegan Omega-3 Review

 Introduction To My Best Vegan Omega 3 Review

Have you ever seen those terrifying short videos of cows and pigs on social networking websites? Why should they suffer so much? There is only one simple reason for that! We humans need more food! Yes! Unfortunately, we have gotten used to eating animals. Although these animal-made foods are delicious, there are many negative things we should consider first. For example, studies have shown that animals can feel happiness and pain like humans do.

They understand when their beloved ones die and suffer from loneliness. However, humans have been arrogant and selfish in putting animals into cages and exploiting them by giving zero attention to their needs. Thousands of chickens are kept in very small cages every year and forced to lay eggs. Or, pigs are naturally very adventurous animals. They love to run and play around and dig into the soil to satisfy their sense of curiosity. But, they are also entrenched in filthy spaces without natural light or the ability to move.

The good news is that people are slowly changing. Every year, more and more people realize that animal abuse cannot continue, and some things have to change quickly. It is the peak of cruelty to kill animals for the sake of eating. So, millions of people have turned into vegetarians or vegans. It means that they don’t eat any animal-related products. They know that they will have a healthier lifestyle by eating plant products. Also, it is much more meaningful to stop eating animals as they are drying out our lands and water.

The production industry of animal-related food is one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions. By going vegan, we can avoid all these things. So, what are we going to do in this article? First, we will explain all the negative side effects of eating meat. Then, we will define what the vegan lifestyle is. Finally, we will discuss the benefits of vegan omega 3. Are you interested in knowing more about this topic? If yes, please continue reading this blog post. Let's get started


>>>Please click here to read my article on Living the Vegan Lifestyle – An Overview<<<


Why Should We Stop Eating Animals

Why Should We Stop Eating Animal-Based Products?

There are many arguments why people should stop eating animal-related foods, especially meat and dairy, and change their food regimen. Here, we will discuss some of the most important reasons for everybody to quit eating animal-related food. Let's consider meat and review its disadvantages.

Eating Meat Is Significantly Associated With The Risk Of Cancer

Two of the most dangerous types of meat are named group 1 and group 2A. Group 1 includes salami, sausages, hot dogs, and bacon. These are at the highest level associated with cancer. Also, pork, beef, and lamb are placed in group 2A, which are a bit less dangerous than the latter form. Many different studies from different countries have shown all the negative sides of eating chickens, cows, pigs, lambs, and other animals.

You Will More Likely Get Heart Disease, Diabetes, And Other Illnesses

Cholesterol is found in products such as dairy products and meat. Cholesterol and other saturated fats lead to heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. It is very shocking to know that more than two thousand people are dying every day just because of cardiovascular diseases created by cholesterol. Saturated fat is found significantly in animal-related food even though you eat chicken and turkey without skin. Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline are other diseases closely associated with eating saturated fat and cholesterol found in animal proteins.

Do You Care About Your Looks? Don’t Eat Meat!

Compared to people having different food regimens those who constantly eat meat are less healthy. Healthy body weight and body mass indexes are two of the most important characteristics of stopping to eat certain food. Nobody likes to be overweight, don't they? So, if you are worried about your looks, including your body, you should know that vegetarians and vegans are much less likely to experience obesity.

Poisoning With Animal-Related Products Is Ever-Present

At the top, we have fish (17%), dairy (11%) and other animal products (11%) responsible for poisoning outbreaks in the world. So, why should we trust these products before cleaning them very well? Here is another interesting statistic you might find interesting. More than two-thirds of food poisoning is associated with contaminated animal flesh. Agents such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are among the most common pathogens causing nearly 5,000 deaths only in the US.

Erectile Dysfunction In Men Might Be Related To Eating Meat And Other Animal-Based Products

Eating meat and animal-related products could be primarily responsible for high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, prostate cancer or inflammations, and hormonal imbalances. These conditions are considered a threat to our psychological health, eventually leading to unsatisfactory sex. On the bright side, you can easily reduce all these issues by eating fruits and vegetables like strawberries and blueberries.

Most Meat Contains Hormones

When animals die, their body is full of sex hormones such as progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. These hormones are just fine when they are inside the animal's body. However, as soon as we eat them, we also eat all these hormones. These hormones have the potential to cause serious problems for your health.

High Resistance To Antibiotics

This is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. We usually use too many antibiotics to keep our animals healthy. However, this causes another problem. When pathogens like bacteria, fungi, and other pathogenic agents are exposed to these compounds too much, they grow resistance against them. So they don’t die easily. As a result, more and more quantities of antibiotics must be injected. The result? These antibiotics enter our bodies with unknown consequences.

Do You Want To Live Longer? Don’t Eat Meat!

Multiple studies have shown that vegetarians usually live longer compared to people who have meat in their food intake habits. It is because of all the negative side effects of eating meat and animal-related products.

So, we understand that there are many disadvantages to eating meat and animal-related products. What is the alternative? What should we do? Well, the answer is very easy now. we have to become vegetarians or vegans. From now on, I will explain what it means to be a vegetarian or vegan and discuss the benefits.

Vegetarian vs Vegan

Who Is A Vegetarian? Who Is A Vegan? What's The Difference?

I'm sure you have heard the words vegetarian and veganism. You might wonder what they mean and how they are different. Here, we are going to let you know. So, the main difference is that vegetarians might still consume eggs, dairy products, and honey even though they are from animals.

>>>Please click here to read my article on Vegetarian vs Vegan Delicious Diets<<<

Also, they might use clothes made out of animal skins, wool and other byproducts. In general, being a vegetarian is much more relaxed than a vegan. And, it is a nice first step for people who want to become vegans. So, you can look at it as a transition. But how about vegans? Being a vegan is not just about eating vegetables and plant-derived materials.

Being a vegan is adopting a new lifestyle that constitutes your food habits and other aspects of your life. If you are a vegan, you will not eat any animal-related materials. Also, you are not to wear clothing, shoes, and accessories considered animal products or byproducts. People choose to become vegans for many different reasons. Some go vegan because of environmental reasons such as water and food shortages, land deforestation, and global warming.

Some others decide to adopt the vegan lifestyle because of an ethical conundrum, such as eating other animals that have feelings just like us or using the animals for very cruel product testing. Or, people might have varied reasons. As we said, veganism is more of a lifestyle. So, vegan people are socially active and fight against companies exploiting animals to produce enough food and clothes for humans. Many people think it is very difficult to adopt such a lifestyle. However, there are many benefits associated with it. Let's discuss them.


>>>Please click here to read my article on Living The Vegan Lifestyle<<<


Our Own Vegetable Platter
We love vegetables. Here is what we had at home when I wrote this blog post.

 Benefits Of Being A Vegetarian Or Vegan

As with any other lifestyle, there are pros and cons associated with being a vegetarian or vegan. However, the advantages of eating plant-derived products in many cases outperform the cons. So, let's see what these positive points are.

Living Longer

Of course, many things need to be looked at here. However, if you become a vegetarian or vegan, you are more likely to live longer. One reason could be reducing the number of toxins and unhealthy chemicals building up in your body. This could lead to a healthier and more functioning body that increases your lifespan.

Less Cholesterol In Your Body

We talked about all the negative effects of cholesterol in our bodies. The good news is that the food that vegetarians and vegans eat is essentially cholesterol-free. Of course, cholesterol is essential to our bodies, and our cells need it. However, you can get it from vegan or vegetarian food as well. You don’t need to eat animal products to get it.

Decreasing The Risk Of Stroke, Obesity, And Diabetes

One of the most common reasons for obesity is eating based on emotions. If you do that, you cannot control your food choices that much. For example, people eat too much chocolate when they are depressed or carbohydrates when they need energy for different tasks. With veganism or vegetarianism, you won't have those cravings, and the result is having less risk of strokes and obesity. The same is true with diabetes, as vegetarians or vegans often experience a normal amount of blood sugar. Also, fatty acids are not a lot in their lifestyle, which is important in diabetes.

A Healthy Skin

What are the important requirements of healthy skin? You need enough vitamins, minerals, and water. Where can you get them the most? Definitely, fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins, minerals, water as well as antioxidants.

Gaining Higher Fibre Content

To experience normal and healthy digestion, you will need a high amount of fibre. Fortunately, fruits and vegetables have it in large quantities. Additionally, fibre is great in boosting your body's metabolism and removing all those toxins and harmful chemicals from your body.

Also, reducing depression and the risk of cataract development, improving metabolism, and economic benefits are other positive sides of becoming a vegetarian or vegan. Now, we can get deeper into the topic.  What are omega 3 fatty acids? And, how can we have them in our diet?

What Is Omega-3

What Are Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Omega 3 fatty acids are vital for your health and must be in your diet. More importantly, omega-3 fatty acids are not produced by our bodies. So, we have to get it from our food solely. Generally, you can find omega-3 fatty acids in fish and fish oils. However, some plant-derived compounds such as flax seeds, chia seeds, flaxseed oil, and walnuts are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

How Many Types Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Do We Need?

There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids, namely ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Let's briefly talk about each one. ALA is the most common type of omega 3 in your diet. It is used as an energy source. Also, ALA can be converted to the other types of omega 3 as well. ALA is mainly found in plant-derived food such as flax seeds, flaxseed oil, canola oil, chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and soybeans.

In contrast to ALA, EPA is mainly an animal omega 3 found in fatty fish and fish oil. Finally, DHA is the most important type of omega 3. It is widely used in very important organs of your body, such as the brain, eyes, and other parts. Meat, eggs, dairy products, fatty fish, and fish oil are full of this type of omega-3.

Benefits Of Omega-3

What Are The Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

First of all, omega 3 is responsible for lowering your blood pressure. You know that blood pressure is a very important indicator of your body's health. Also, omega 3 reduces triglycerides and stops plaque production in the arteries. Things like abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, stroke, and sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease are avoided thanks to the regular omega 3.

So, we are facing a dilemma here. We have understood that omega 3 is essential to our bodies and needs to be provided by our diet. As we saw, it is usually found in animal-related products. When you are a vegan or vegetarian, you will have to see from what other sources you can receive enough omega 3. That's why we have written this article. In fact, many plant-derived materials can be considered an important source of omega 3. What are these sources? And are there any products in the market? If you are interested, I suggest you keep reading our article.

Plant Based Omega-3

Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Plants

We can benefit from being vegetarian or vegan and provide our bodies with the right amount of omega 3. Here, we will review plant-derived materials that have omega 3 in them.

Chia Seeds
We have been using organic Chia seeds for many years.

Chia Seeds

One of the most important sources of omega 3 in plants is Chia seeds. First of all, regardless of omega 3, these seeds are full of fibre and protein. Omega 3 is one of the greatest sources of ALA omega 3 fatty acids.

The risk of chronic disease is usually decreased with ALA omega 3 fatty acids. Additionally, conditions such as blood triglycerides, glucose intolerance, and inflammatory markers are all greatly avoided by chia seeds. Also, studies have shown that chia seeds are great substitutes for eggs. 

Brussel Sprouts
We eat a lot of Brussels Sprouts. They are one of my favourite vegetables.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are good sources of vitamins K and C and fibre. One study has shown that eating cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts is often associated with a decreased risk of heart disease. You can have this food in many forms, including roasted, steamed, blanched, or stir-fried.

Algal Oil

Algal oil is an oil made from certain marine algae. This product is full of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. Interestingly, algal oil is so nutritious that many compare its food value with seafood, especially concerning the presence of both EPA and DHA. One study has illustrated that algal oil is significantly responsible for improving people's memory. You can easily find algal oil in drugstores. Also it is available in liquid form. 

Hemp Hearts
We are using hemp hearts, which are shelled hemp seeds.

Hemp Seeds Or Hearts

Hemp seeds or hearts (shelled hemp seeds) are a great source of protein, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Also, it has a high level of omega 3 fatty acids. Stopping the production of blood clots and supportive heart recovery and a heart attack are some of the other benefits of hemp seed.

Our Platter With Assorted Nuts
This is our nuts platter with walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pecan nuts.


Walnuts are a great source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids. Brain health can be greatly improved by walnuts. Also, you can learn and memorize better. So, perhaps, it is a good choice for children when they are experiencing a hard time getting ready for their exams. Interestingly, walnuts have also been effective against Alzheimer's disease. You can eat them as a snack. We always have a nuts platter on our kitchen counter.

Flaxseed - Graines De Lin
My husband uses flaxseeds for baking. They are excellent for our gluten-free diet.


Manganese, magnesium, protein, and fibre are all found in flaxseeds. It is also a nice source of omega 3. Reducing cholesterol is one of the results of using these seeds that have been shown in several studies. Decreasing blood pressure is another benefit of flaxseeds.Perilla Oil

Perilla Oil

It is mainly used in Korean food. It smells extremely delicious as a versatile and flavourful ingredient. It causes the amount of ALA in blood to get doubled. If you use it for longer, EPA and DHA will improve.

So, where can we find omega 3? Should we buy these plant materials? Are there any commercial products? Yes, there are. You can find vegan omega 3 very easily on Amazon. Now, I'm going to introduce a few of them to you.

Vegan Omega 3 For Kids

Vegan Omega 3 Gummies for Kids w/ DHA | 60 Count, 30 Servings | Plant-Based Omega 3 6 9, Non-GMO | Supports Brain Body & Immune System | Gluten Gelatin Peanut Free | SHIFAA NUTRTION | Halal Vitamins

  • This product is great for children.
  • It is from the brand Shifaa Nutrition.
  • It costs $16.99.
  • The product is in the form of gummies for kids with citrus flavour.
  • It contains Omega 3 6 9.
  • It is non-GMO
  • It is gluten-free, and it doesn't contain gelatin or peanuts. 

SR Organic Vegan Omega 3

Vegan Omega-3 Fish Oil Alternative sourced from Algae Oil | Highest Levels of Vegan DHA & EPA Fatty Acids | Non-GMO Verified & Vegan Certified – 60 Veggie Softgels (Carrageenan Free)

  • This is another Omega 3 fish oil alternative product.
  • It is from the brand Sports-Research.
  • It costs $21.95.
  • It is plant-based.
  • The product is in soft gel form.
  • It contains high levels of Vegan DHA and EPA fatty acids.
  • It is non-GMO and vegan-certified.

Amandean Vegan Omega 3

Premium Vegan Omega-3 Supplement. Fish Oil Alternative! Plant-Based DHA & EPA Algal Oil. 120 Carrageenan Free Softgels. Marine Algae Essential Fatty Acids. Joint, Heart, Skin, Brain, Eye, Immune Care.

  • This is another Omega 3 fish oil alternative product
  • It is from the brand Amandean.
  • It costs $29.95.
  • It is plant-based.
  • The product is in carrageenan-free soft gel form.
  • It contains marine algae essential fatty acids.

Freshfield Vegan Omega 3

Freshfield Vegan Omega 3 DHA Supplement: 2 Month Supply. Premium Algae Oil, Plant-Based, Sustainable, Mercury Free. Better Than Fish Oil! Supports Heart, Brain, Joint Health – with DPA (Natural, 60)

  • This is the vegan omega 3 DHA supplement I am taking.
  • It is from the brand Freshfield.
  • It costs $23.99.
  • It is plant-based.
  • It is a premium algae oil.
  • It is mercury-free.

However, there are many more other products in the market you can enjoy and choose from. Please use the link below.

>>>Click here to do a search for Vegan Omega 3 Supplements On Amazon<<<


People are aware of all the positive effects of being a vegetarian and veganism. It is beneficial for both other animals and us because we don’t need to kill and suffer animals just for the sake of our pleasure. In this article, we first defined what vegetarianism and veganism mean. Then, we said about all advantages of these new plant-based lifestyles.

After that, we explained what omega 3 is and how it can help us boost our health. Finally, we introduced two of the most popular products in the market. So, what are you waiting for? If you are a new vegan or vegetarian, there are many omega-3 supplements available on the market. Go and search for the best high-quality ones.

I trust you enjoyed reading this vegan Omega 3 review. Please stay tuned there are more blog posts to come very shortly.




>>>Want To Learn How To Create Delicious, Cruelty-Free, Healthy AND 100% Vegan Meals? Try These Awesome Vegan Cooking Courses With A Free 7-DAY MEMBERSHIP<<<



Your Opinion Is Important To Me

I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your questions, experience and remarks about this vegan Omega 3 review in the comments section below. You can also reach me by email at



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  1. Daniel Devid says:

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